sales contract

Article - 1

Subject of the Contract:
This contract covers the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law No. 4077 regarding the sale and delivery of the product, the qualifications of which are stated below, and the sales price, in the virtual environment between the Seller and the Customer, as required by the Distance Contracts Implementation Principles and Procedures Regulation.
Article - 2


Sonasya Group San. Ve Dış Tic.Ltd.Şti.
Article - 3


All members: All buyers who have become members of ***************** Company's e-commerce store, referred to as **************** hereinafter. (Hereinafter referred to as the Buyer or Customer).
Article - 4

The type, quantity, brand/model, color, quantity, sales price, and payment method of the Goods/Product or Service are as stated on the website, and these promises can change without notifying the buyer.
Article - 5


5.1 - The BUYER declares that they have read and informed themselves of all the preliminary information about the basic qualities of the product subject to the contract, its sales price, and payment method, and have given the necessary confirmation in the electronic environment.
5.2 - Provided that it does not exceed the legal 30-day period, the product subject to the contract is delivered to the buyer or the person or organization at the address indicated by the buyer within the period specified in the preliminary information, depending on the distance of the buyer's place of residence. 
5.3 - If the product subject to the contract is to be delivered to someone other than the buyer, the SELLER cannot be held responsible if the recipient does not accept the delivery. 
5.4 - "2;The SELLER is responsible for delivering the product subject to the contract in sound, complete, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and together with the warranty documents and usage manuals, if any.
5.5 - For the delivery of the product, it is a requirement that this agreement is approved electronically and the sales price is paid by the buyer in the method preferred by the buyer. If, for any reason, the product price is not paid or is canceled in the records of the bank, the SELLER is deemed to have been freed from the obligation to deliver the product.
5.6 - If the buyer's credit card belonging to the buyer is used unlawfully or unlawfully by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product, due to the fact that the product price is not paid to the SELLER by the relevant bank or financial institution, the BUYER must send the product to the SELLER within 3 days of the occurrence of the situation by mail. In this case, shipping costs belong to the buyer.
5.7 - If the SELLER cannot deliver the contracted product within the period due to extraordinary conditions such as force majeure or the interruption of transportation, it must notify the situation to the BUYER. In this case, the BUYER may use one of their rights to cancel the order, replace the contracted product with its equivalent, and/or postpone the delivery period until the obstacle is eliminated. If the buyer cancels the order, the SELLER initiates the cancellation of the credit card receipt of the buyer and informs the BUYER by e-mail. In such a case, the SELLER cannot be held responsible for any delays caused by the bank.
5.8 - If the products delivered to the buyer or the person/organization at the address indicated by the buyer are defective or damaged, the necessary repair or replacement procedure will be carried out within the framework of Article 7 of this contract. In this case, the product or products must be sent to the SELLER within 7 days starting from the date when the buyer received it, and the shipping costs will be covered by the SELLER. In the case that the 7-day period expires, the BUYER is obliged to deliver the product to the relevant service. 
5.9 - This contract becomes valid after it is approved electronically (after membership is completed) and sent to .................................
Article - 6

The buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract within seven (7) days after the delivery of the contract product to the buyer or the person/organization at the address indicated by the buyer. In order for this right to be exercised, it is necessary for the product not to be used within the framework of Article 7, and its packaging should not be damaged. In case this right is used, it is obligatory to return the original of the sales invoice together with the sample of the cargo delivery report indicating that the product delivered to the 3rd person or the BUYER, and the return of the product to the SELLER within 7 days. In the case of the exercise of this right, the shipping cost belongs to the BUYER. In addition, the right of withdrawal cannot be used for products that cannot be returned by their nature, disposable products, copyable software and programs, perishable or expired products, and all kinds of cosmetic products, provided that they are not opened, spoiled, and used. The right of withdrawal for all kinds of software and programs, DVDs, VCDs, CDs, and tapes, computer and stationery consumables (toner, cartridge, ribbon, etc.), and cosmetic products depends on whether the product is not opened, spoiled, and used.
Article - 7

In the implementation of this contract, TÜKETICI MAHKEMELERİ (Consumer Courts) in the buyer's or seller's place of residence are authorized up to the value announced by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. In case the order is approved electronically, the BUY
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